
Legal website operator identification:

Bodega Son Juliana, S.L.

Representadas por el gerente Rafael Montero Silvestre
Carretera Santa Maria a Sencelles km 7,2
07142 Santa Eugenia – Baleares, Mallorca

Telephone: +49171564775

VAT No.: DE316316721
Wi ID no.: T 2718, F117, S8, H PM 82044, I/A1

listed in the commercial register of the local court Palma de Mallorca Commercial register number - Part B of the commercial register - 1/2017/9.3910,0

Alternative dispute resolution:

La Comisión Europea provee una plataforma para la resolución extrajudicial de litigios (plataforma ODR), que es accesible aquí:

We are not willing and not obligated to enter into dispute resolution proceedings before the consumer arbitration board.

We are a member of the initiative „FairCommerce“ since 18.05.2021.

For more information, see: